Collect the claims. Download them below.

CLAIM #1 Around The World

The claimant swings the bottle repeatedly, to push the ketchup towards the nozzle, causing the ketchup to squirt on the ceiling.

CLAIM #2 The Mega-squeeze

The claimant attempts a mega-squeeze of Heinz ketchup, causing ketchup to disperse in all directions.

CLAIM #3 Total Bummer

The claimant unwittingly sits on a sachet of Heinz ketchup, causing it to explode beneath them.

CLAIM #4 The Fountain

The claimant applied too much pressure while opening a sachet of Heinz ketchup, causing it to squirt out unexpectedly.

CLAIM #5 Broken Dreams

The claimant accidentally bumps a glass bottle of Heinz ketchup, causing it to shatter on a hard surface.

CLAIM #6 Cupid’s Curse

The claimant’s angry lover applies Heinz ketchup to the claimant’s clothing, in an act of revenge.

CLAIM #7 Mid-Air Despair

The claimant sacrifices a sweater to enhance mediocre airplane food.

CLAIM #8 Table Tasting

The claimant eats ketchup remains off a table after an overly enthusiastic squeeze.

CLAIM #9 Heinz Sight

The claimant attempts to squeeze the bottle with a loose nozzle, causing temporary vision impairment.

CLAIM #10 Bed Red

The claimant disperses ketchup droplets over self and the surrounding perimeter, in a miscalculated squeeze attempt.

CLAIM #11 The Whodunnit

The claimant discovers the spilt ketchup, but not the person who spilt it.

CLAIM #12 Wild Times

The claimant’s spill occurs in the great outdoors, forcing the claimant to use a leaf/leaves to remove it.

CLAIM #13 Catastrophic

A family member of the claimant’s family creates a ketchup spill that somehow finds its way onto a feline friend.

CLAIM #14 Ignorant Bliss

The claimant chooses to ignore the fact that they have a noticeably large ketchup stain on themselves.

CLAIM #15 Little Lessons

The claimant’s child learns the hard way that ketchup should be handled with care.

CLAIM #16 The Makeover

The claimant spills ketchup on the majority of their clothing, instantly ruining their intended look.

CLAIM #17 The Houdini

The claimant uses the ketchup spill as a means to leave an undesirable meal setting.

CLAIM #18 Speed Spills

The claimant tries to pour ketchup in a moving vehicle, but doesn’t succeed in placing it correctly.

CLAIM #19 Error 57

The claimant spills ketchup upon their computer and/or computer equipment, impairing its function.

CLAIM #20 Murphy’s Law

The claimant’s ketchup spill beats all the odds, and lands on the only white section of the affected object.

CLAIM #21 Ketchup Curse

The claimant’s ketchup spill is the first bit of bad luck, in a series of unlucky events.

CLAIM #22 The Headshot

The claimant somehow manages to get ketchup solely on their head, and nowhere else on their body.

CLAIM #23 Red Carpet

The claimant spills ketchup and proceeds to walk in it, spreading the spill across a greater area.

CLAIM #24 Young Picasso

The claimant’s young offspring use the ketchup for artistic purposes, resulting in a messy masterpiece.

CLAIM #25 Ketchup Kiss

The claimant finishes their meal, but is unaware that they have ketchup on or around their lips.

CLAIM #26 Sofa’s First Stain

The claimant’s toddler decides to give a brand new couch its very first ketchup stain.

CLAIM #27 The Panorama

The claimant underestimates the force inside sachet and creates a panoramic art piece inside car’s interior.

CLAIM #28 The Chicken or the Human?

The claimant attempts a gentle drizzle of ketchup over fried chicken which results in the claimant being drizzled on instead.

CLAIM #29 The Paint Job

The claimant accidentally over-squeezes a sachet, changing the external coloring of a nearby object.

CLAIM #30 Shoe Hada?

The claimant spills an unnoticeable amount of ketchup on their shoe – which they notice hours later and wonder… sho hada?

CLAIM #31 Branded by the Brand

The claimant spills ketchup on their clothes precisely where a brand logo would be.

CLAIM #32 Leave No Trace

The claimant’s offspring unknowingly leaves a trace of ketchup across living room.

CLAIM #33 Cushion Recoloring

The claimant redecorates nearby sofa cushions with a splatter of ketchup, giving them a new, red look.

CLAIM #34 Flipped Off

The claimant’s sauced-up meal is turned upside-down, causing the food to rest on the underlying surface.

CLAIM #35 Sorry Boss

The claimant causes a massive ketchup spill where they work, forcing them to apologize to their superior.

CLAIM #36 Rose-Tinted Glasses

The claimant gets ketchup on their glasses and/or sunglasses, bringing an unwanted shade of red to their vision.

CLAIM #37 The Gift

The claimant high fives a friend, not knowing that they have ketchup on their hands, making their problem someone else’s.

CLAIM #38 The Scallywag

The claimant is a victim of a miscalculated squirting incident by a trusted friend or family member.

CLAIM #39 Room Disservice

The claimant spills ketchup in a room that they are renting, making them feel less guilt than if the spill happened in their own residence.

CLAIM #40 Seeing Red

The claimant squirts sauce onto another person, causing them to retaliate in the same fashion.

CLAIM #41 Full Bloom

The claimant gets ketchup on a nearby plant or bush, making it appear as if it has red flowers.

CLAIM #42 Spa Day

The claimant unknowingly applies ketchup to their facial area, in a similar style to a spa treatment.

CLAIM #43 Into the Vortex

The claimant hurriedly opens a sachet while driving, causing it to spill in that dreaded little space between the seat and gear box.

CLAIM #44 Pushing Buttons

The claimant accidentally applies ketchup to a nearby television remote, adding more drama than necessary.

CLAIM #45 Wreckfast

The claimant spills the ketchup first thing during breakfast, wrecking the day ahead.

CLAIM #46 Double Damage

The claimant attempts to use two ketchup bottles simultaneously, but this adds far too much pressure, causing double the damage.

CLAIM #47 Sneaky Leaky

The claimant suddenly craves a midnight snack. In the darkness of the night, they grab what they believe to be ranch dressing. The result? A plateful of bright ketchup instead.

CLAIM #48 A Moment’s Silence

The claimant’s ketchup spill ends up on their earphones/headphones, resulting in them being rendered unusable until properly cleaned.

CLAIM #49 Low Key Anger

The claimant manages to spill ketchup on their car and/or house keys, causing the claimant to do an immediate napkin search.

CLAIM #50 Bloody Mary

The claimant somehow squirts the ketchup into a nearby beverage, immediately affecting its flavor, in either a good or bad way.

CLAIM #51 Freakout Time

The claimant squirts ketchup onto their watch, causing them to freak out about it not working.

CLAIM #52 Crimson Tide

The claimant’s friend or family member does the unthinkable and dilutes the remaining ketchup in the bottle with water, without informing the claimant, causing them to drown their meal in a runny red mess.

CLAIM #53 The Mis-App

The claimant spills ketchup onto their phone, causing the screen to remain sticky for the rest of the day.

CLAIM #54 Roodlof

The claimant squirts the ketchup within close proximity to their face, causing a drop splatter precisely on the tip of their nose.

CLAIM #55 Make it Rain

The claimant squeezes the bottle upright, resulting in the ketchup splattering in a rain-like manner above them.

CLAIM #56 Crusty Leftovers

The claimant finds dried, crusty remains of ketchup on their clothes hours after an unfortunate squeeze.

CLAIM #57 Red Alert

The claimant squeezes the ketchup bottle a bit too hard. The cap, not properly secured, flies off, and a jet of ketchup shoots across the table, splattering everyone and everything in its path.